Agenda - Health and Social Care Committee

Meeting Venue:

Hybrid – Committee room 5 Tŷ Hywel

and video Conference via Zoom

Meeting date: 17 November 2022

Meeting time: 09.00
For further information contact:

Helen Finlayson

Committee Clerk

0300 200 6565




Private pre-meeting (09.00-09.30)




1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest




2       Dentistry: evidence session with the British Association of Dental Therapists

(09.30-10.30)                                                                             (Pages 1 - 29)

Fiona Sandom, Chair, British Association of Dental Therapists

Mari Llewellyn Morgan, Wales Representative, British Association of Dental Therapists



Research brief

Legal advice

Paper 1 - Evidence from the British Association of Dental Therapists



3       Paper(s) to note




3.1   Letter from the Ministers with responsibility for health and social services regarding provision of written evidence

                                                                                                 (Pages 30 - 31)



3.2   Letter to the Ministers with responsibility for health and social services regarding provision of written evidence

                                                                                                 (Pages 32 - 34)



3.3   Letter from the Children, Young People and Education Committee to the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding request for information

                                                                                                 (Pages 35 - 37)



3.4   Letter from the Royal College of Nursing to the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding strike action

                                                                                                 (Pages 38 - 39)



3.5   Letter from the Petitions Committee regarding a petition to enable Welsh residents to access an NHS "Right to Choose" diagnosis pathway for ADHD

                                                                                                           (Page 40)



3.6   Letter from the Petitions Committee regarding a petition to Improve Endometriosis Health care in Wales

                                                                                                           (Page 41)



3.7   Letter from the Director General Health & Social Services regarding Update on setting up an NHS Executive for Wales and Stakeholder survey feedback

                                                                                                 (Pages 42 - 43)



3.8   Letter to the Ministers with responsibility for health and social services regarding Welsh Government Draft Budget 2023-24

                                                                                                 (Pages 44 - 48)



3.9   Letter from the Children, Young People and Education Committee to the Ministers with responsibility for health and social services regarding Welsh Government Draft Budget 2023-24

                                                                                                 (Pages 49 - 56)



4       Motion under Standing Order 17.42(ix) to resolve to exclude the public for items 5 and 7




5       Dentistry: Consideration of evidence




In accordance with Standing Order 17.49, Health and Social Care Committee members may attend the Children, Young People and Education Committee's meeting between 11.30 and 12.15 for the purpose of receiving a private briefing from Mind Cymru on its 'Sort the Switch' report. The Health and Social Care Committee's meeting will continue in public from 13.00.




6       Dentistry: evidence session with the Minister for Health and Social Services and the Chief Dental Officer

(13.00-14.15)                                                                           (Pages 57 - 68)

Eluned Morgan MS, Minister for Health and Social Services

Andrew Dickenson, Chief Dental Officer, Welsh Government

Alex Slade, Director of Primary Care and Mental Health, Welsh Government


Paper 2 – Evidence from the Welsh Government



7       Dentistry: Consideration of evidence






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